

An interactive text adventure game. Built on the secondWorld platform.

The Game

A very magical place ... forests, caverns, deserts, orks, goblins, spirits, magic phonebooths and ghost trains, lost towns, and haunted houses ... seek treasure and finish at the end of the rainbow


The objective of dreamTime is to collect 12 treasures and put them into a magic treasure chest. You do this by moving around the dreamTime world, collecting objects, and using them to solve puzzles.

How To Play

You navigate through dreamTime by typing simple verb commands 'get the silver sword', 'go up the stairs', 'take the red ball’. By finding treasure you earn Points. To see what you have, type 'me'. Along the way you need to fight various monsters. Make sure you have a weapon and use commands such as 'fight ork with sword' or 'attack goblin with axe'.

Common Verb Commands

take, get, grab, gather, collect

put, drop, lower, place

look, see, examine, inspect

brief, abridge, abridged, short

verbose, long, wordy

me, inventory, myself

go, walk, run, head, step

jump, leap

push, press, click

close, shut

open, lift, raise

hit, punch, strike, slam, kick, stab, shove

fight, attack, slay, kill

break, smash, shatter, destroy

say, talk, speak, chat, communicate, whisper

ask, question, inquire

yell, scream, shout


The secondWorld (c) framework and Dreamtime were developed by Dirk Koechner.

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